Build a healthier relationship with work

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Do you do a lot of desk-bound work or are you tied to a computer a lot of the time and feel it is harming you and your body?

Modern work practices don't often encourage healthy alignment and good posture and movement — and they can take a toll on our health. But for many of us, being at a desk is an unavoidable part of our working lives.

The Alexander Technique can help you to work in a more comfortable, relaxed and healthy way, and to allow work related issues like back pain and Repetitive Strain Injury to heal. Over a course of lessons you learn to gently release unnecessary muscular tension in your daily activities and to allow your body to come back into balance. Rather than learning how to sit or hold yourself ‘correctly’ you discover how to let go  of tension and stress so that your body can naturally come into balance and alignment on its own. T

he difference in how comfortable and at ease people feel after having lessons is real — and sometimes dramatic! In addition people often find that problems caused or exacerbated by poor coordination and excess muscular tension (such as back pain and Repetitive Strain Injury) resolve themselves naturally once the excess tension which is causing them is no longer there.

Is it for you?

The Alexander Technique is not a quick fix, an exercise system or a 'treatment'. It is something you experience, learn and apply for yourself. The benefits stay with you and can help you to take care of yourself for the rest of your life.

The Technique is likely to be a good fit for you if:

  • You are ready to take responsibility for your own health and destiny and to make positive changes in your life to help yourself get (and stay) better

  • You like to learn new things and are willing to grow and enjoy the journey

  • You are willing to commit a little time each day to work with what we do in the lessons.

Why Learn with me? 

  • I have been a qualified Alexander Technique teacher for over 15 years, since completing a three year, 1600 hour STAT (Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique) approved course in 2001.

  • I trained as a teacher having used the Technique to recover from my own debilitating repetitive strain injury. I therefore have an understanding grounded in my own experience of how it can be used to resolve real world problems.

  • My approach combines immersion in a long tradition of hands-on work with cutting-edge insights from neuroscience and other bodywork modalities.

  • I am continually studying, learning and engaging with other disciplines to deepen my teaching practice and broaden what I can offer my students.